On the first day of Jude Hill's Magic Diaries course my computer broke down. I felt distressed and anxious about when it would be fixed, what I might have lost and whether the older computer I'm presently using would hold up. The world of the internet and the communities I'm part of there are an important part of my life and the thought of possibly being cut off from that world was distressing. I wanted to make a block that would bring me comfort and joy and looking through my fabric I chose this piece. The mother panda with her baby gives me comfort and the beautiful fabric gives me joy.
I cut strips in the sides and cut strips from other fabrics I thought might go well with it. As it turned out, I didn't use three of the fabrics because when I wove in the strips they were too dominant and confused the eye and took it away from the central mother bear and baby.
I'm wondering whether this might be the first block in my Cloth. It might happen that I'll make blocks as I'm moved by inner or outer events in my life and my Cloth might be a Journey Cloth of my life during the course. Maybe all that gold is the Yellow Brick Road making an appearance! I'm not sure whether this is what my Cloth will be about but it's a starting place. Every journey begins with a step.
I keep a mixed media journal and I decided to record my experiences during Magic Diaries in my journal. This is a page ready for writing on. The background is fabric that I dyed with plants from my garden and there are bits of fabric from the panda bear cloth. I found the crow feather on my morning walk the day after my computer broke down. Some years ago I had a magical experience with crows and their feathers so finding this was special.